This month the President and CEO of ShoreMaster, LLC, Don Hurley, came down from Fergus Falls, MN. and met with us over lunch. He presented us with the ShoreMaster Gold Service Award (top 15 dealer in the country) and he shared he shared some new and exciting developments happening within the company. Don, husband & father of 3, is quite an athlete and a true outdoorsmen. At Cretin HS in MN, he enjoyed running and playing hockey. He found his true stride in cross country winning two MSHSL cross country titles. He went on to become a Golden Gopher helping the Univ. of Minnesota win the Big 10 Championship as he ran a "four minute mile equivalent" - 3:43 in the 1,500 and was a national class steeplechaser. We've seen many great decisions and advancements made since Don's taken on the title of President and we're grateful for his leadership and dedication to us as a dealer and to ShoreMaster.